Somos Kultura Dyad, we’re happy you’re here. Discover more of who we are, and what we stand for. Sign up to our newsletter to learn more.
Creating spaces for people like us.
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arte, comunidad, justicia
Kultura Dyad is focused on grounding and culturistic programming that allows for an open community dialogue and connection for Black and Brown bodies. We provide the space for growth, engagement, movement and expression through curated and intentional programs.
open call
open call
We are looking for live performance artists; emerging poets, spoken wordsmiths, and vendors for our Mercaditos and live events in Brooklyn! This is an ongoing open call.
Read more about all of our open calls here.
like what we’re doing, and want to support us?
help fund our cause! we are not a non-profit organization, and we fund everything out of pocket! any money received goes directly back into kultura dyad. it will be used toward expenses, website maintenance, event coordinating fees, labor costs, and artist funding! anything helps! thank you for your support, it means so much to us.